Takk nok en gang du beveger de inn på områder som er lite behandlet i Norske medier.
Korrupsjon og mangel på frihet henge nøye sammen .
En rapport fra Transparency International slår fast at korrupsjonen i Russland nå er like ille, eller verre enn da Putin tiltrådte i 2000. Russland rankes på 147. plass på organisasjonens liste; samme plassering som Kenya, Bangladesh og Syria.
Fortsatt er det helt vanlig i Russland at man betaler for å få seg en god jobb i Staten. Man kan betale seg ut av de fleste straffbare forhold, spesielt trafikkforseelser. Og skulle man være så uheldig å trenge en offentlig tillatelse, sertifikat eller godkjenning, vet alle russere at uten smøring kan slike ting ta ufattelig lang tid, om det i det hele tatt lar seg gjøre å få til uten.
På en fersk meningsmåling svarer hele 74 prosent av alle russere at de mener korrupsjonen i landet er «utbredt» eller «svært utbredt».


Explaining Patterns of Corruption in the Russian Regions
By: Phyllis Dininio and Robert W. Orttung
William Davidson Institute Working Paper Number 727


“Corruption. Bribery and other forms of corruption continue to pervade Russian society: Official efforts to address the problem have mostly amounted to politically driven campaigns to discredit opponents. Russia’s rating for corruption stays the same at 6.00 because in conditions where there is not a free press, energetic civil society, and independent judiciary, there are few prospects for making substantial progress in the battle against bribery and abuse of public office.”


Consider this story from Novaya Gazeta sourced from Ekho Moskvy radio:
Rashid Nurgaliev: Up to Two-Thirds of Businessmen are Involved in Corrupt Activities in Some Parts of Russia. According to MVD [Ministry of Internal Affairs = Police etc] Head Rashid Nurgaliev in a speech in Chelyabinsk, up to 70% of entrepreneurs allocate half of their grey income to bribing civil servants.
Said Nurgaliev at a coordination seminar on the struggle against corruption and cleaning up the energy sector of the Urals Federal Region: “Investigations have shown that in some parts of the country, up to two-thirds of business people engage in corruption. Organised crime spends up to 50% of its income from criminal activities on paying off bureaucrats.The minister went on to say that a government plan for countering corruption has been drawn up and distributed.